Terra Guardians
Terra Guardians is a vibrant, self-assembled community of proactive, inclusive, solution-oriented optimists dedicated to the conservation of our natural world. As a Terra Guardian, you will have the unique opportunity to share your passion for nature and showcase your expertise through your profile and work.
Our Terra Guardians are much more than just members; they are the driving forces of action. You’ll take part in fun challenges and activities that engage and educate, making a real difference in the world. By joining us, your voice will be heard. We value your ideas and perspectives, and we provide a platform for you to share them with others who are equally passionate about conservation.
Moreover, your dedication to environmental stewardship will not go unrecognized. As a Terra Guardian, you’ll earn certificates and recognition for your contributions, showcasing your commitment to making a positive impact on the planet.
The Wildlife Focus Terra Guardians is a dynamic, self-assembled community of proactive, inclusive, solution-oriented optimists who are aged 26 and under.
Our Terra Guardians share a deep love of nature and a strong resolve to protect it.
At Wildlife Focus, we believe in the meaningful empowerment of youth today, providing a platform for you to hone your skills and explore your ideas related to conservation and leadership within a supportive community.
We understand that young people have various commitments such as school, university, early careers, and personal life, so we don’t set specific time expectations. All we ask is that you contribute what you can and communicate with us about your availability and capacity.
If you are passionate about nature and interested in joining this exciting and growing network, fill in the form below, and let’s chat!
Together, we can make a significant impact on the world.